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Enchanting Digital Solutions

Crafting Digital Mastery For Your Small Business

Enchanting and Effective Websites


First and foremost, your website must possess a crystal-clear purpose, easily discernible by any who set their eyes upon it. This mystical intent should be boldly emblazoned across the digital tapestry. Furthermore, the design must be intuitive, akin to a wizard’s labyrinth, easy to navigate and a sight to behold. It must be attuned to various devices, for in this age, the majority of seekers wield enchanted mobile devices.

Speed, a crucial incantation, must be woven into the very fabric of your creation. Sluggish loading times are like vexing enchantments, causing visitors to swiftly depart. Optimize images, strip away unnecessary runes of code, and let your website spring forth like a hare from a sorcerer’s hat.

Security, shielded by an SSL ward and fortified passwords, safeguards the sacred data of your visitors, preserving the trust that underpins your mystical reputation.

Content, the elixir of engagement, must be rich, insightful, and bound to the core purpose. It should flow like a bard’s ballad, effortlessly understood and providing wisdom to those who seek it. Contact information, like a secret passage, must be easily discovered, ensuring that seekers can reach out without faltering.

Accessibility, a beacon of inclusivity, is paramount. Engrave alternative runes for images, cast clear and commanding incantations in your headings, and ensure compatibility with the magical voices of screen readers.

Calls-to-action, like a wizard’s compelling command, beckon visitors to take specific steps. Place these runes strategically, guiding users towards the desired course of action.

Lastly, the arcane art of analytics, a scrying glass into the souls of your users, unveils their paths and patterns. Regularly consulting these magical insights allows you to refine the experience, aligning your digital sanctum with the ever-changing tides of the web.

With these arcane elements woven into your digital tapestry, the enchantment of your brand shall resonate far and wide. Remember, as in the arcane arts, the key to mastery lies in constant study, adaptation, and heed to the whispers of the user and the shadows of the analytics.


Landing/Single Page Portal

Landing pages are a great way to get more website traffic, drive conversions, and provide a better customer experience. Our team will create a landing page powered by WordPress that best represents your business, products, and services.

What’s Included:

  • A 1-page templated site
  • Up to 5 navigation menu items of anchor links to other sections on your website
    Up to 10 images
  • Website copy (300-500 words) Provided by client
  • Up to 5 contact form fields
  • Contact info
  • Call-To-Action (i.e. Come in today to see our inventory!)

Websites for Apprentices 

Without a powerful website, your business is losing potential customers. Every single business needs a website that looks great, loads fast, and makes it easy to find all the information.  Our team of web designers and developers will build you a website that represents your brand and helps you promote your offerings.

What’s Included-Choose from websites up to 3, 5, or 10 pages

  • SEO-friendly website
  • ADA Pursuant
  • Standard plugins
  • Upload up to 3 blogs per month (if the content is provided)
  • Up to 3 approved plugins
  • Up to 5 product uploads (for ecommerce sites)
  • Payment processing setup for PayPal, Stripe, or Square (for ecommerce sites)
  • Up to 500 words of repurposed website copy (written/edited by our team using information available online or provided in the order form)
  • 12 months on-going website maintenance.  After 12 months hosting and maintenance will continue at $29.00 per month.

Website up to 3 pages starting at $59.00/month for 12 months

Website up to 5 pages starting at $79.00/month for 12 months

Website up to 10 pages starting at  $119.00/month for 12 months

Add enchantments to create a portal worthy of a wizard

Audio Eye Icon
Audio Eye

Begin your path to ADA & WCAG compliance with AudioEye’s easy-to-use technology platform, certified accessibility experts, and legal assistance.

Chat essential Icon
Chat Essntials

Chat Essential WordPress is ChatGPT for your business, powered by GPT-3.5 and enhanced with your website content to respond to customers 24/7. Install on any WordPress website in just a few minutes.


Automated Customer Engagement for Local Businesses

Menu Sync Icon Transpaarent
Menu Sync

Menu Sync by SinglePlatform makes it easy to for a business to showcase and update listing information beyond name, address and phone number, on the top search engines, review sites, online listing directories, social media sites and mobile apps.

Icon for Advanced eCommerce
Advanced eCommerce

Add an easy-to-use, all-in-one eCommerce store to your site. Includes up to 100 SKUs, as well as a Shop, Cart, and Checkout page for your websites.

Website copy
Custom Website Copy

Get our team to write customized website copy to promote your business and reflect your brand.

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